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Getting Here
Rio Cinema
107 Kingsland High Street
London E8 2PB
Opening hours: 15 minutes before the first film each day.
There is public bicycle parking outside the cinema on the corner of Kingsland High Street and John Campbell Road. We can't take responsibility for bikes parked here, though, so please do lock your bike securely.
By Bus
67, 76, 149, 243, 488 to the Rio Cinema (thats the name of the stop !)
236 to Crossway or Shacklewell Lane
30, 38, 56, 242, 277 to Dalston Junction Station
By Overground
We're a five minute walk from either Dalston Kingsland or Dalston Junction.
Access Information
Although The Rio Cinema is an old building, which presents access challenges, it is fully accessible to disabled patrons, as well as wheelchair users.
Our entrance, café, foyer and auditorium are all on street level, with step-free access. The entrance doors are power-assisted and the ground floor toilet has wheelchair access - it is located next to the auditorium.
Please book your wheelchair seat in advance to avoid disappointment. This will help us allocate adjoining seats for any companions.
We’ll make every effort to accommodate customers who have not made a prior booking and if you wish to take your seat unassisted, wheelchairs or scooters can be stored in the foyer. If you need any further information or assistance, please speak to the staff or manager on duty.
Screen 1
There are two wheelchair spaces available in Screen 1, our biggest and historical main auditorium. Five additional spaces can be created - subject to availability - if you book at least 24 hours in advance. The entrance to the auditorium is wide and all our wheelchair spaces are easily accessible. The two widest emergency exits from the auditorium are located at the back of the auditorium, on the left and right sides.
Screen 2
Our newly built second screen is situated in the Rio’s basement and is accessible via stairs and lift. It has one space for wheelchair users.
Please let us know if you require a wheelchair space when booking so we can ensure it is reserved for you.
As it is a small screen, please make sure to book in advance to avoid disappointment!
You can do this in person, by calling 020 7241 9410 and pressing 2 to speak to a member of staff, or emailing
There is an accessible toilet situated at the ground floor entrance level by the lift, and another on the Screen 2 basement level .
Guide dogs
We welcome guide dogs and can accommodate them in the cinemas. Please book your ticket in advance so that we can allocate the most appropriate seating. We can provide drinking water for your guide dog and are happy to look after them during your screening.
Transport and Parking
The cinema is located at a five minute walk from either Dalston Kingsland or Dalston Junction. A number of buses direclt serve the Rio: 67, 76, 149, 243, 488 (the Rio is the name of the stop!). Other close lines are the 236 to Crossway, or the 30, 38, 56, 242, 277 to Dalston Junction Station.
Parking is possible on John Campbell Road.
Hard of Hearing
We hold regular screenings with Hard of Hearing subtitles. Tickets for these are available to book as normal on our website, and are noted “HOH”. Our regular weekly newsletters will also share information on which screenings are HOH.
Cinema Exhibitors' Association Card (CEA card)
helps us to ensure that reasonable support is available to customers. If you require a carer, you can apply for a CEA card by requesting an application form in the foyer or from Your CEA card will entitle your accompanying carer to a free seat. This is available for all shows.
If you'd like to give us any feedback on improving our accessibility, please call us on 020 7241 9410 or email
Getting Here
Rio Cinema
107 Kingsland High Street
London E8 2PB
Opening hours: 15 minutes before the first film each day.
is public bicycle parking outside the cinema on the corner of Kingsland
High Street and John Campbell Road. We can't take responsibility for
bikes parked here, though, so please do lock your bike securely.
By bus
67, 76, 149, 243, 488 to the Rio Cinema (thats the name of the stop !)
236 to Crossway or Shacklewell Lane
30, 38, 56, 242, 277 to Dalston Junction Station
By overground
We're a five minute walk from either Dalston Kingsland or Dalston Junction.
The Rio Cinema is an old building, which presents access challenges, it
is fully accessible to disabled patrons, as well as wheelchair users.
entrance, café, foyer and auditorium are all on street level, with
step-free access. The entrance doors are power-assisted and the ground floor toilet has wheelchair access - it is located next to the auditorium.
book your wheelchair seat in advance to avoid disappointment. This will
help us allocate adjoining seats for any companions.
make every effort to accommodate customers who have not made a prior
booking and if you wish to take your seat unassisted, wheelchairs or
scooters can be stored in the foyer. If you need any further information
or assistance, please speak to the staff or manager on duty.
are two wheelchair spaces available in Screen 1, our biggest and
historical main auditorium. Five additional spaces can be created -
subject to availability - if you book at least 24 hours in advance. The
entrance to the auditorium is wide and all our wheelchair spaces are
easily accessible. The two widest emergency exits from the auditorium
are located at the back of the auditorium, on the left and right sides.
newly built second screen is situated in the Rio’s basement and is
accessible via stairs and lift. It has one space for wheelchair users.
Please let us know if you require a wheelchair space when booking so we can ensure it is reserved for you.
As it is a small screen, please make sure to book in advance to avoid disappointment!
You can do this in person, by calling 020 7241 9410 and pressing 2 to speak to a member of staff, or emailing
is an accessible toilet situated at the ground floor entrance level by
the lift, and another on the Screen 2 basement level .
Guide dogs
welcome guide dogs and can accommodate them in the cinemas. Please book
your ticket in advance so that we can allocate the most appropriate
seating. We can provide drinking water for your guide dog and are happy
to look after them during your screening.
Transport and Parking
The cinema is located at a five minute walk from either Dalston Kingsland or Dalston Junction. A number of buses direclt serve the Rio: 67,
76, 149, 243, 488 (the Rio is the name of the stop!). Other close lines
are the 236 to Crossway, or the 30, 38, 56, 242, 277 to Dalston
Junction Station.
Parking is possible on John Campbell Road.
Hard of Hearing
hold regular screenings with Hard of Hearing subtitles. Tickets for
these are available to book as normal on our website, and are noted
“HOH”. Email us if you would like to be added to our HOH email
newsletter to be notified of upcoming HOH screenings.
Cinema Exhibitors' Association Card (CEA
card) helps us to ensure that reasonable support is available to
customers. If you require a carer, you can apply for a CEA card by
requesting an application form in the foyer or from Your CEA card will entitle your accompanying carer to a free seat. This is available for all shows.
Risk Assessment
You can download a copy of our Risk Assessment Form here.
are committed to creating a safe environment and we will strive to
review the scope for improving our facilities for accessibility on a
regular basis.
you need any more information, or would like to give us any feedback on
improving our accessibility, please call us on 020 7241 9410 or email
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